Saturday, July 25, 2020

Looney Tunes (Part 5): The Next Bunch


I’m back to add even more cartoons to my ever evolving eventuality of watching all of the Looney Tunes shorts. Thankfully, I have a fairly large back log of reviews from about 2 years ago that I never added to this blog, so here they are! Once I add these, I’ll hopefully continue adding shorts more regularly. Let’s hope!

I will make sure to mark titles that I found of particular interest for Better or for Worse (and a third Pink color that denotes shorts that I liked a lot, that have a particular quality that makes them worth while.) Merry Melody shorts (which are shorts that don't feature a recurring character) will be denoted by an "MM" after the title. I opted not to denote the year for these shorts, because all of them were released in 1938.

Disclaimer: I own none of the videos or images in any of these blogs, are they are mainly being used for review purposes.

187. Daffy Duck and Egg Head (MM)

Good to see that 1938 started well. This short is the second appearance of Daffy Duck, and the 3rd of Egghead (who is a prototype Elmer Fudd) and, it’s pretty obvious. The story is the “Hunter tries to shoot animal” plot you see in oh-so-many of these shorts. I complained in the previous post about the lack of interesting formulas, and they seemed to have immediately started working on that. But, this history already happened. Will it remain this groundbreaking for the rest of the year? (Probably not...) (7.5/10)

188. Porky’s Poppa

Not particularly groundbreaking, but entertaining nonetheless! It starts with a 2 minute parody of the song “Old McDonald” (ehhh) before actual plot: Porky’s cow Bessie is replaced by a mechanical cow. It’s an interesting premise, but nothing spectacular. (5.5/10)

189. My Little Buckaroo (MM)

Buckle up buckaroos! (Ah, a 2017 South Park reference, sure did date myself on this one...) A Mexican bandit steals money from a bank and there’s a chase through the desert. It’s much, much, less exciting than one would think. It practically put me to sleep. Nothing too special happens, and I can’t think of a single stand out moment. (3.5/10)

190. Porky at the Crocadero 

Nothing special again. Basically, Porky wants to be a bandleader, and after some antics he succeeds in becoming one. There are a few racist caricatures throughout the short, and it just didn’t do anything for me. Not terrible, but not mediocre, somewhere in between. (5/10)

191. Jungle Jitters (MM)

Uh. Well. I’m not sure what to say. This is one of those “Censored 11” shorts that are banned from TV. It’s uh, bizarre, and definitely racist at parts, and the story is dull. But, I found it oddly fascinating. This is the first short (of the censored 11) that I could probably actually recommend solely based off of the shock value. There’s suicide,cannibalism, and more in this one...I guess I’ll make the color red, but also say I can recommend it here...Gotta admit the best part was this Merry-Go-Round gag: (5/10)

On second thought, this is pretty much all you need to see in this cartoon.

I hope these images are an accurate depiction of this morbid “joke”.

192. What Price Porky

Woah. I really liked this short for a number of reasons: First of all the animation was really good. Second of all, it’s actually pretty entertaining and somehow manages to tell a story and possibly be the largest short in terms of scope thus had a very “War epic” feel to it. The short itself is just the chickens going against the ducks (one of whom is probably supposed to be Daffy, and several of whom have a very “Donald-like” voice...hmmm....) but, it felt like this is the beginning of another era, where we’ll see a lot more “wartime” shorts like this. My only (minor) criticism is that Porky is barely in the short. Oh well! It’s pretty good! (7.5/10)

193. The Sneezing Weasel (MM)

Pretty good. Willy the Weasel tries to eat chicks while mama chicken is away to fetch the doctor after one chick catches cold. I really like Willy the Weasel, but it’s hard to tell if he’s an idiot or just a goof. But, that didn’t deter form my enjoyment. A few funny jokes, and some war themes (that’s two in a row, I just be on to something!) make this stick out. (6.5/10)

194. Porky’s Phony Express

Ugh. This wasn’t terrible, but boy was it dated. The pacing and tone were straight out of a “Buddy” era cartoon, and Porky’s design was all out of whack. It made me want to fall asleep, so boring! (4/10)

195. A Star is Hatched (MM)

 How sort of topical! The film “A Star is Born” came out in 1937 and a remake starring Lady Gaga just came out this week (as of when I wrote this review.) Sadly, the plot (as far as I can tell) is a very (very) loose parody of the original film. Even worse is that it kind of veers off the “parody” track and starts doing 1930’s movie star caricatures (very common in these shorts) and not much else. A chicken wants to be a movie star, so what? At least follow her and not Clark Gable’s floppy ears for the upteenth time. (5/10)

196. Porky’s Five & Ten

Uh, I’ll just try to let the plot explain what I think of this one. Porky decides to open a nickel and dime store on a desert island because “funny.” Then some fish randomly decide to screw with him and knock all random junk overboard. But, uh-oh! The fish find wacky ways to use the random items! The even find a way to turn into 1930’s movie stars! What? How whacky! Hahahahaha. (4/10)

197. The Penguin Parade (MM)

This one was confusing. I said out loud as the short started: “Oh no!” Because the short was pretty clearly going to be another celebrity caricature short again, and it kind of was, I think? Except they were penguins. Half the references I didn’t get, and several I didn’t even know if they were supposed to be references. The most confusing part was one particular Penguin who gave a speech for like a minute, and he was seemingly unintelligible, I think? I made out some words, but only like half...I really didn’t know what to think the entire time. (3.5/10)

198. Porky’s Hare Hunt

At last! The first appearance of “Happy Rabbit”! I mean, (the character that will become) Bugs Bunny! I knew this was his first appearance and I admittedly was sort of caught up in that fact, as the rabbit in the cartoon is quite bewildering. (Even to the characters.) It’s just Porky hunting a rabbit. But, the rabbit is very entertaining, and it’s pretty clear why he would become big (although the won’t appear again for awhile....) Definitely worth watching! (8/10)

He wouldn’t hit it big for awhile.

He also wouldn’t hit it Chungus For Awhile.

199. Now That Summer is Gone (MM)

The plot is very basic, a young squirrel becomes addicted to gambling. Whoopee. More to the point though, it was very clear to me that this was an “experimental” film more than anything. The short uses multi-plane camera work extensively (which Disney has pioneered a year prior) and it isn’t particularly well done also uses an extensive amount of double exposure for some reason. Weird shots like that take up about 4 minutes of this short 6-minute (most are 7) cartoon. Very odd. So middle of the road I can’t write about it any more. (5/10)

200. Injun Trouble

Don’t worry, it’s not some racist cartoon about natives (that’s the next short...) This was a bizarre short about Porky going after a super-human Native American named “Injun Joe.” The bizarre part is his strange hillbilly guy Porky keeps running into. The music shifts into a strange instrumentation that really hasn’t been in these shorts before. And he sings a weird’s really surreal, and he feels like a sort of Tom Bombadil like guy...then it turns out he just knows Injun Joe is ticklish. Boo! Could have had a much cooler ending. Nothing special for the 200th short. (6/10)

201. The Isle of Pingo Pongo (MM)

Another “Censored 11” short, and this one isn’t as bad as some of the other ones. It has a lot or really racist moments, don’t get me wrong, but they aren’t as plentiful...well, maybe...LISTEN! The short is 8 minutes long and is a nature documentary about the titular island. The interesting thing is I know this format will be used a lot in future shorts, and I believe this is the first use of such a format (in fact one of my favorite cartoons is in this format...) The good news is the FIRST half of the short is genuinely good, and doesn’t have any racist jokes (so far as I can tell, the version I found was atrocious quality) but then it devolves into racist nonsense. Not funny, not clever, not worth your time. (3.5/10)

202. Porky the Fireman

Pretty much as the title says. Porky is a Fireman. The jokes are bizarre, but I don’t really think they work. I’ve seen many shorts do this same “putting out a fire” schtick before, and the jokes were at least different from what I’ve seen. I can’t say much else about this very basic short. (4/10)

203. Katnip Kollege (MM)

One of the (literal) cats at Katnip Kollege ain’t got rhythm. Then he spontaneously gets rhythm. The animation is nice, I guess. There’s not much to say about this one. It kept my attention? (4.5/10)

204. Porky’s Party

I think this short suffers from too many ideas trying to be crammed into one short. There’s several new characters introduced (a weird goose and a penguin, and Porky has a dog for some reason), the titular party, a weird subplot with a racist silkworm (he’s “oriental”), and the dog getting drunk on hair tonic. It’s just a little too crazy and just doesn’t flow right. But, I will say I enjoyed it. There were just some clear issues. (3.5/10)

205. Have You Got Any Castles (MM)

I liked it, despite it being another “inanimate objects come to life” short (books this time...again...) It works because it has some decent jokes, and it’s actually very quickly paced. In fact it’s so quick I was able to forget about the bad jokes really quickly because a new good one came in it’s place. I will say about 40% of the jokes work...which is much more than usual. I’ll take it! (4/10)

206. Love and Curses (MM)

Curses! This was...Great! Taking place in a flashback to the “Gay 90’s” (*ahem* the 1890’s) this short comes complete with a mustache twirling villain who ties a woman to railroad tracks and puts her through a saw mill. I’m sorry, but I adore that cliché. It’s actually pretty good in terms of story, and tells a full story. Highly recommended, but maybe just because it fits my own tastes well... (7.5/10)

207. Cinderella Meets Fella (MM)

This one starts as a basic retelling of Cinderella, then halfway through it reveals Prince Charming: Egghead (who is still a prototype of Elmer Fudd) and it just gets a little more odd as it goes. I liked the ending where Cinderella runs away to see a Warner Bros. Picture, and it turns out the picture she ran to see was this one. It’s really bizarre. Overall though...Not particularly mememroable. (6/10)

208. Porky’s Spring Planting

Porky is a god-dammed Gardner for the upteenth time, and his garden is getting attacked by chickens again. If it wasn’t a terrible premise, it might work...but,, that doesn’t make sense. The jokes fall flat and the animation is lazy (especially on Porky’s new dog, RIP the dog from the last short apparently.) The ending also made very little sense. The rabbi doesn’t for not warts kümmel. (3/10)

209. Porky and Daffy

It’s interesting to note how Daffy Duck started out as being completely insane (or Daffy, hence the name) and how his schtick is being off the wall bonkers. This short exemplifies that, and it’s a very clear distinction between that and what he will become later. More to the point, this shirt is interesting from that perspective and not much else. I do believe that Daffy will appears more and more now as a regular character. So, hopefully he’ll evolve quickly. (5/10)

210. The Major Lied ‘Til Dawn (MM)

 So, this short is presented as a jungle explorer telling a story about a trip to Africa to...IDK, some kid? Strangely, the title makes me wonder if it was a lie? The fact that he made any of the story he tells up is never brought up in the actual short, so I have no idea. Anyways, the short has one funny joke written on a sign (apparently the Los Angeles city limits are in Africa?) and a strange Popeye reference. That’s all that’s worth mentioning besides some pretty terrible racist caricatures, and one joke that I thought was headed in a direction that luckily didn’t...would have been the worst joke in the series this far if they did though! (3/10)

211. Wholly Smoke

Wholly anti-smoking advertisement Batman! That’s really all this short was. It was just Porky being told (through a mind trip he gets from smoking Tobacco?) by singing cigarette that resemble celebrities that KIDS shouldn’t smoke. Odd that the short specified kids, and never that nobody really should. It was cute, but I don’t think I’d watch it again. (6/10)

212. A-Lad-In Bagdad (MM)

Basically just the story of Aladdin. A few key differences: He wins the lamp from a claw machine (funny), the Genie is a racist black caricature (bad, especially since he calls Aladdin “Master”....) and at the End the Princess decides to wish for the genie to be some hot (White) dude and she moves into the lamp. Passable, I guess. Nothing to special... (6/10)

213. Cracked Ice (MM)

A pig who’s supposed to be a W.C. Field parody...tries to steal gin from an ice rescue dog who revives said gin to warm up people who have fallen in the ice? Okay. Sure, why not? Now, I’m not big into my W.C. Fields, but the whole thing didn’t seem particularly funny to me. Just a very bizarre concept. I was mostly left scratching my head. (4/10)

214. A Feud There Was (MM)

Another Hatfield/McCoy short (this the 2nd or 3rd one...) the real interesting part is the “Egghead” character. His character (as mentioned before, a prototype of Elmer Fudd, which oddly enough he’s actually called in this short!) had the odd tendency to show up in shorts unexpectedly. It’s kind of clever the way he’s integrated, like he’s tearing into history...sorta. In this one, he literally tries and is able to (?) put a stop to the Fudd. I mean Feud. I kinda liked it. (5/10)

215. Porky in Wackyland

I recently had a conversation with some friends of mine about “cartoons made on drugs” and wether or not that’s somewhat of an insult to the work. Is it an insult to say “no one is that creative, they would have had to have used drugs to come up with this shit?” Well, this short, definitely has a lot of trippy imagery, and raises the question. The short is a classic. 9/10 personally...not quite enough plot to really dribble a slam dunk. (9/10)

This is considered one of the best cartoons however, and as much as I’d like to see how great it is, it just felt like it was missing something. There was a color remake later on, that definitely adds quite a bit to it. I think I may re-evaluate it in color.

Also, the insane dodo appears for the first time here. He’s a minor character in “Tiny Toon Adventures” of course. 

216. Little Pancho Vanilla (MM)

...I don’t get the title, but whatever. It’s about a little boy named Poncho who wants to be a bullfighter. There weren’t many laughs, but it actually has a genuinely sweet ending instead of the usual gag note these usually end on. I enjoyed it. Definitely worth seeing. (7.5/10)

217. Porky’s Naughty Nephew

I took another extended break from watching these, but I’m back again! And, sadly I returned to a rather bland cartoon. Porky and his Nephew go to the beach. It mostly consists of jokes about swimming, and swimsuits, with only about 30% of the cartoon focusing on his “naughty nephew.” The weirdest thing about it was how the nephew kept changing from a stupid baby that could only say “goo goo ga ga” to being like 5 years old. It’s remarkably inconsistent...which is pretty much the whole cartoon. (4/10)

218. Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (MM)

I...liked this. I think I liked it because of how amazingly stupid it is. I think it needs to be watched by people. The stupidest part is just how damn historically inaccurate it is. If you thought the Disney movie “Pocahontas” was inaccurate...oh, boy...It sort of follows the same plot, but “Johnny Smith” comes over on the MAYFLOWER. 🙄 Then he gets chased by natives and is going to have his head chopped off, but *ahem* “Poker-Huntas” hears about it on...THE RADIO...and so she gets in HER CAR and goes to save him. Like, I get it, I can excuse the anachronisms, but the whole MAYFLOWER thing is just stupid. I just don’t know how intentional that part of the inaccuracy is, but it just sort of found a way to make me smile. I didn’t really laugh, but I was sort of invested in seeing how stupid it could get...and I wasn’t disappointed in the CAR CHASE at the end. Please watch this...Even 2 years later, I can’t emphasize how this Cartoon really stuck with me. It really is one of the weirdest most bizarre cartoons I’ve seen so far. It’s one of the very few that I’ve tried to spark conversations about (to no avail.) It’s legitimately amazing, IMO. If only because of how utterly insane it is. (8.5/10)


...and now, here I am 2 years later, finally updating this blog. It sure has been a long while. Not gonna lie, that last cartoon kinda broke me. Sort of made me wonder when the mixed bag of cartoons will come to an end, and get really good.

It’s like lucky charms when you are a kid, after you pick out all the marshmallows, all that’s left are a few pieces of the cereal itself, and a few marshmallows. Not much in here worth celebrating.

Plus, I have the added bonus of finishing this 2 years after watching them. Suffice to say, I only remember a few of them. (Not all of them, sadly.) I think this is a good indication of the quality of this particular batch of shorts.

Hopefully, I find it in me to keep going sooner than 2 years from now. We’ll see! (I plan to start watching more in a day or so after this is posted! Stay tuned!)


-Alavem (All of them.)